My first photography exhibition

15-30.09.2016 – «The Land of Fire and Ice» - L'Atelier, Corseaux  

Why Iceland ?

Iceland is one of the most magical and enchanting countries I have ever visited. It was the result of an unexpected encounter that gave me the opportunity to realize a long-desired dream.

The universal experience of its rugged landscapes, volcanoes, ice, geysers, waterfalls, left me in awe of the power of nature.

The impressions I have captured on this trip resulted in the display of my first photography exhibition. 

Visitors feedback

“Water, land, sky, life. Spouting water, tumultuous water, powerful, icy, frozen. Oh clouds, what strange purpose is yours? What a strange fate. All this here, captured in the space of the moment. Everything is pure. Nothing is artificial, even when a mirror effect gives the feeling of a look. Everything is profound, like the wild vastness of an uncompromising, harsh nature, of an austere and altering beauty. Here photography becomes a moment of eternity. “

Travel diary Iceland | Exhibit flyer | Please visit the Gallery Iceland | Price list
